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Shop Transformation: 7.Work Room

January 2017: just got the keys...


Even in this rough state, I could see the potential of this room. I knew this large work table would be a keeper. Both Beverly and Karla used it while running their floral businesses. Knowing that most of my work in this room would be delicate (finish work), I wanted a soft surface. So, I bought low pile carpet, laid it out on our driveway and cut it to size. I wrapped the table top with it and stapled it on. It's like my own Hobby Lobby frame counter. So cool! THIS is another example of a plan that worked.

And check out what's under the top -- surprise, more storage space! I bought 10 grey crates from Target to store my hand saw, sander, extra tile, paper trimmer and a bunch of miscellaneous work supplies. Brooke made a content list for me recently, but I have yet to actually create labels for them. I like the clean look, so I won't add labels until I know for sure what I want.

You can see again where shelving used to be installed on the walls in this room. Notice: still no ceiling fan! So far, on this tour of the shop (before), there were no ceiling fans in the rooms. One is coming up in the next room reveal, though! Without central air, at minimum I needed ceiling fans.

I moved the table to the center of the room to allow for movement all around it. If you have been following along from the beginning, you have probably noticed the rugs in every room. They are all indoor/outdoor rugs from - I figured if they were tough enough to be outside, they would hold up just fine in this old shop.

Check out this old paneling again:

It's amazing how fresh everything looks with white paint. I love it!

I just had to include a couple of headshot by the super talented Tasha Rae Photography! Tasha shot these last year before the rest of my shop was even close to being photo ready. Well, it may have been about 75% finished, but that last 25% was slow going.

Tasha Rae Photography *headshot*

Oh! Here is another shot I love!

Vanissa Murphy captured this at the end of our shop photo shoot. This is a side of me I never see. But, it is certainly what tons of shopper see while I am out and about and in line at my many "go to" stores. Some chuckle, comment, seek advice, ask for a business card or say nothing at all. I am not implying that everyone would be happy if they just hired me and/or tossed all of their stuff, lol! But I know from a lifetime of experience that when our things have a place and they are in order, our homes can feel more serene and peaceful. And who's not happy about those feelings?! An organized and decluttered home will not solve all of our problems. But, what it can do is provide a refuge for ourselves and our families (if applicable).

View from the bathroom facing out:

A selfie of sorts one exhausted evening. After painting the floors in part of the shop and beginning to cover the work table, I just needed a break. It would still be a long time before I would have a comfortable place to relax in here. Not that I know anything about that. Just ask my family, lol!

I posted these before and afters of the built in cupboard on Instagram a while ago. They were painted multiple times, but I got the crazy idea to strip the paint and just clear coat them and buy new, duplicate hardware. I'm so glad I did. I love highlighting this original feature!

And this pencil sharpener was initially installed on the wall, but I clean it up and relocated it to the fireplace mantel.

Another shot of The Twinpop Shop's handiwork. LOVE.

Photographer: Vanissa Murphy

2 Headshots: Tasha Rae Photography

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